Ramblings of a Northern Girl — PD in Poetry 2022 — Week 27 — Moments

1 min readJul 10, 2022
Choose Love

The hustle and bustle of a memorable week,

The unforgettable moments of joy love, laughter.

Vibrant snapshots of time that colour my world.

The thunderous roar of the centre-court crowd,

The crazy queue for sweet, delicious strawberry tradition,

Stirring senses from the memory banks of my life.

The kindness of friendship and a home for the night,

The mouthwatering taste of pizza after a long, sweltering day,

Delightful dips into the reservoir pool of my happiness.

The long awaited festival in the setting sun at the seaside,

Guy Garvey holding the crowd in the palm of his hand with lyrics that melt your heart,

Pure, blissful contentment sharing this sublime time with my son.

The simple pleasure of a camp-out overlooking the coast,

A road trip back in time for Mancunian Thelma and Louise,

A time to reflect happily on the real wealth of my fortunate soul.

The return of my beloved boys, back together for a fleeting hour,

When the world made sense once again as they hugged.

My greatest achievement right there, to end my momentous week.




Ramblings of a Northern Girl. Poetry about life, love, community. I have Parkinsons. PD in Poetry 2022 captures my thoughts every week about life