Apr 17, 2024


Ramblings of a Northern Girl — PD in Poetry 2024 — Week 14 — Unwanted Anniversary

Choose Love

Nine unpredictable years since you collided with my world.

There is much that I could bemoan,

There are scathing words that would not be polite,

Yet today, I choose a different trajectory.

There are bright new flowers bursting through the hard ground,

A day for eating popcorn, taking in the wisdom of Kung Fu Panda,

Smiling at the pain of a repeated week 7 of Couch to 5K,

These are the things I purposefully celebrate,

Nine years to the day the Parky train rode into town.

Destination still unknown, but I kinda like it that way.

Nine years from diagnosis




Ramblings of a Northern Girl. Poetry about life, love, community. I have Parkinsons. PD in Poetry 2022 captures my thoughts every week about life